
Sunday, June 21, 2009

Nothing to do with sewing, but . . .

I did something last night that I haven't done since I was a kid - watched roller derby - in person. My youngest daughter skates with the Sioux Falls Roller Dollz and I went to Lincoln, Nebraska last night to watch the team skate. It was fun, and the Dollz won 100-37. Other than the 4 hour drive down and the 4 hour drive back to Sioux Falls last night, it was a fun way to spend a Saturday.

I just know there were quilt shops out there (in the dark) calling my name as we drove on past . . . oh well, next time.


  1. I loved roller derby when I was a kid. My Bro asked me the other day if I remembered going to the Farmer's Market and watching the roller derby in the big ballroom area on the second floor. I don't remember seeing them in real life, but I loved watching them on t.v. With that smile on your daughter's face I'd say she was really happy to have mom make the drive to see her doing her thing.

    Thanks for sharing. Next time plan some extra time for the quilting shops... you know they are calling out to you.


  2. I am Green with envy! I wanted to go see the Dollz this summer, but couldn't make it work. I would be one if I were 30 or so years younger!
    PS new quilt swap on Quilting Gallery


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