
Saturday, September 26, 2009

Bits & Pieces

I'm pretty excited because my summer swap mini quilt arrived on Thursday afternoon all the way from North Carolina. The colors are so pretty and most of the fabrics are batiks - one of my favorite things! The quilting stitches are done with a soft greenish thread and are different in the different strips. Some are wavey lines, some are echo lines, some are decorative stitches. Thanks so much, Sandra! Check out her blog at .

The other reason I'm excited is that I finally had a day that I could spend sewing. I blogged awhile back about the "someday" file of project ideas that I have. And I showed a photo of a blue and white signature quilt that I saw at the Quilts & Vines in August that was done with a pattern I had in my "someday" file. Well . . . here is my version of the signature quilt, done in the bride's colors. I finished the top this afternoon and it's ready for signatures at my daughter's bridal shower next Saturday. Hope she likes it.

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