
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone - and happy birthday to my sister-in-law Kathy out in the beautiful Black Hills. Kathy is also a quilter and is the person who really got me started quilting many years ago. Thanks - for giving me the very BEST hobby!

My "sweetheart" left this morning on a business trip for the week. Wish I could say he was just driving to the airport to get on a plane for St Louis. But no - he's driving all the way today - nearly 700 miles. And we are in the midst of another winter weather day with snow and wind, so he will have at least 200 miles of icy, snowy interstate highway. So instead of a 10 hour drive he may have more like a 13 hour drive. It gives me something to worry about all day - right? I hate it!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sending angels to watch over your sweetheart as he makes his journey and sending you warm Valentine's wishes. And when you talk to you s.i.l. tell her your blogging friends thank her,
    too, for getting you started quilting so we are able to enjoy the fruits of your labors.



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