
Saturday, May 8, 2010

Another new acronym

OK - I heard another new acronym today that really fits my reality lately. I attended a retirement party for a dear friend this morning, and some of the gals were discussing the acronym that a speaker used during the local school district's employee recognition dinner.

AA ADD = Age-Activated Attention Deficit Disorder

It is a perfect explanation for my actions lately. Those who work with me know that I'm pretty task oriented. I prefer working on JUST ONE task until I have it done right. I do have to multi-task a lot, but that isn't my preferred style of work. I tend to be very sequential - including being a list-maker.

However, in my little sewing world, I've always been quite random. I have lots of UFO's and usually have about 3 projects going at once. And it is getting worse, because lately I seem to start and stop numerous projects, and can't seem to get motivated to finish any of them. So now I realize that I can blame it on my AGE!!

I wonder if there is a medication for that? Somehow I doubt that the Bloody Mary I had at the retirement party will help.


  1. haha.....i think i might have that as well

  2. Tonya, you are not old enough to have it. Sara, it is so unlike you to be ADD and I am older so you can't have it yet!

  3. I've learned to be tough with myself and to make myself finish piecing projects at least to the completed top stage before moving on to another project. Of course, I had plans to kit up several projects for this summer as we were planiing on being away for 6 weeks but now plans have changed so I have 2 kits to sew into tops.


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