
Monday, June 14, 2010

Rain, rain - Go AWAY!

I desperately need some sunshine!!! We have had record rainfall in the last 5 days - over 7 inches! And it is raining again this afternoon.

This doesn't sound like much for some parts of the world, but we average only about 17 inches of rain per year normally. Needless to say there has been water standing everywhere: over Interstate 90 causing detours on Saturday, in peoples' basements, 3 inches covered the floor of the local hospital emergency room on Friday, and putting the James River back up to record flood levels. The river wasn't yet back inside its banks since our April flood after too much winter snow.


  1. This rain is unreal. My daughter lives in Oklahoma City, they had 7 inches over night and more today! she works at they have pictures there.
    The only good thing with rain, is I get to sew and not cut grass!

  2. I am with you on the rain. We are in Central Nebraska (Loup river valley), and have had 8-10 inches in the last week. We need sunshine!!!!


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