
Sunday, November 7, 2010

Quilting With My Credit Card

Eleanor Burns often says on her TV show that she prefers to "quilt with her credit card" and I have decided to do the same.
Yesterday I dropped off 5 quilts at the Pin Cushion for Carli to quilt for me. Two of them are UFO's from more than 3 years ago. The other 3 are this year's quilts. None were likely to be quilted BY ME in the near future. I could have taken them over to my friend Sylvia's house and used her QBot machine to quilt them myself - but that can only happen if I find the time.
I made the decision this week that I'm going to get these quilts done so that I don't feel so guilty working on new projects. I'm not sure when Carli will get to any of them, but that's OK. The bindings are all ready to put on as I get these back. And then I can either find homes for these quilts or enjoy them myself as finished projects rather than UFO's.

1 comment:

  1. If I ever get all my unfinished projects done I wouldn't know what to do with myself... for example a stained glass lamp that I've toted around for 5 years... I had the shade finished except for the hardware at the top that allows it to be put on the base but with the last move now I've got to replace a piece of glass... It's on my list!

    Great post. I'll look forward to seeing the finished quilts.



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