
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Stash report

I made a total of 38 pillowcases for our charity project, with the final 10 made this weekend.  We gave 50 beautiful pillowcases and 50 new pillows to the area safe house yesterday.  And we plan to give away another 200 pillows and pillowcases at the Love Feast on Dec 16.  We still are a little short on the pillowcases but hope to make our goal before that date.  We had very generous donations from 2 local elementary school faculties to buy enough pillows.

So this afternoon I did a little figuring on how much of this fabric actually came from my bins and closet. The pillowcases average about 1 yard of fabric per case, and of course not all of it came from my stash.  But a lot of it did.  My estimate is that I used up approximately 20 yards of fabric from my stash. Unfortunately that also means I bought nearly the same amount.  But it was for a really good cause so no guilt is involved.

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