
Monday, February 14, 2011

Slow and steady wins the race

I'm making progress on the hand quilting for my X-Rated Schnibbles. Slow and steady wins the race, right? That is what I keep telling myself.
On Sunday I really, really wanted to go to my sewing room and work on something NEW. But I resisted the impulse and kept working on this project. I'm not allowing myself to "play" with any new fabric or projects until the quilting is done and the binding is on this little quilt.
The finish line is in sight . . .


  1. your hand quilting is looking good

  2. Found your blog called my sewing room , I called my blog grannys sewing room, read your blog and enjoy reading it and seeing your pictures, I am also hand quilting a quilt and it is a slow go for me because i like to work on other quilts. I will be putting you on my follower lists! Happy Sewing !


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