
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

February accomplishments & March goals

Here are the items I had listed as goals for the month of February:

  • French Braid quilt - finished the top
  • binding our new friendship block exchange donation quilt - DONE
  • binding my Frolic quilt with the fuzzy backing (possible wedding gift for a niece) - moved to March goals
  • binding my pink/black Hearts & Stars crib quilt - 2 sides left to hand stitch
  • start a baby quilt for my grandson - cut out 1/4 of the blocks
  • machine quilt the round spring table topper - DONE
  • finish handquilting the wedding signature quilt (a slow process) - to be continued

I also did a few things NOT on my list:

  • Saturday Sampler block #1 and 2 bonus blocks (1 for me to keep)
  • 10 pinwheel blocks for a new donation quilt project with friends
  • Easter mug rug for Aunt Pitty Pat's swap

March goals - I'm not going to be very optimistic for my sewing based on my work schedule for the month of March. But here goes:

  • bind my Frolic quilt
  • finish binding Hearts & Stars quilt
  • finish hand quilting on wedding quilt
  • finish the top of the baby quilt
  • find backing fabric for pink/brown sampler & French braid

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