
Friday, April 15, 2011

Credit card disaster

I have fallen victim to credit card fraud and I'm mad as H*** about it. Yesterday I went into Sioux Falls for a late afternoon meeting. Before the meeting I stopped at 2 stores and used my credit card to make purchases: Dress Barn and Victoria's Secret. Both reputable stores! However, just a couple of hours later - after my meeting - I stopped at a quilt shop. Luckily I made a VERY SMALL purchase, because when the clerk ran my credit card it was declined. No problem - I used cash and left the store with my one yard of fabric, but on my drive home I kept thinking about that credit card. So I called the customer service number when I got home last night. Imagine my shock to find out someone was already using my credit card info to make other purchases - all in the Empire Mall in Sioux Falls!!!! Can't prove it, but Victoria's Secret is my suspicion since it is also in the mall - and because the young lady made me swipe the card twice because it supposedly didn't "read it" the first time. Of course the card is now cancelled and they've opened up a fraud investigation! ARGGGG!!! And today - to top off the week - we have a late spring snow storm turning everything white again. But I've decided that I'm making the best use of this snow day and QUILTING!!


  1. Sorry about your card, we are haveing rain here and yes it is a good day to SEW! Have a goos day Connie

  2. OMG! I'm so sorry! It is also all over the news here that people will walk up to your purse and put something next to your purse and they can read your credit card information just by putting the reader near it. They have said that if you put your card in tin foil it will stop them from being able to scan your cards and get your information that way. I've made a little pouch for my son's card so that they can't scan his. I'm always holding my purse right up underneath my arm so that I'm very careful, because OOOH the nerve of people!

  3. Please call Victoria's Secret and talk to the manager so this doesn't happen to anyone else. Even if you're not sure - the manager can watch that employee just in case.

    So sorry this happened to you. I had a friend that something like this happened to and within an hour they had charged over $2,000 worth of stuff at local store. It takes weeks or months to clear up.

  4. Feel your pain. It has happened to me more than once. It sure makes you think when you hand your card to someone.


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