
Saturday, July 7, 2012

More on scrap management

Another post about scrap management.  I just couldn't resist.

When my scraps are really small, I've been cutting them into 1.5" postage stamps.  Some of those became a small doll quilt last winter. But no pictures exist because it went home to Texas the very same day with my niece's 5 year old granddaughter. She even helped me sew them together.

Now I've also been cutting hexies out of my little scraps.  I even got a few out of the trimmings from my string blocks.  The ruler makes cutting these so easy - even the 1" sized ones.  Hexies are a good little hand work project while watching TV at night. 

1 comment:

  1. i've tried the small hexies, i think my fingers are just to fat


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