
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A Slice of Summer

I finally got the additional hand quilting added to this watermelon table runner. I've called it "A Slice of Summer". 

It is on my dining room table and I get to enjoy it now.  One more UFO is done and checked off my list.


  1. You made my mouth water this morning Sara! Not says summer and sweetness like watermelon and yours is beautiful!

  2. That looks sooo cool and refreshing. How I remember when my daddy would bring home Black Diamond watermelons for a summer get together with family and neighbors. It's hard to find Black Diamonds anymore. They are a later arriving melon and everyone is in such a rush for watermelons when the summer days get hot that they go for those that ripen earlier and thus where demand goes...

    But I digress... I love this runner.

    Thanks for sharing.


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