
Monday, September 24, 2012

Hand stitching only . . .

This was not a very productive weekend in terms of sewing. Saturday was busy with laundry, some cleaning, and then a road trip to visit the grandbabies.  Sunday should have been productive because I was home alone and could have spent the whole day at my sewing machine. But it didn't happen.  Other than doing handwork I just could not get motivated to work on anything else. 

I have a couple of ideas in mind for the final product for these English Paper Pieced hexies. Right now I'm thinking they would make a good doll quilt.

But for the first step I'm stitching them to 5" dark brown squares. And I have 6 of them done.  They are all hand stitched - each individual over card stock hexie templates, then handstitched together, and finally hand stitched onto the brown square. The last thing I did was carefully cut away the backing and pull out the paper.

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