
Monday, September 3, 2012

My guild stars

I join the local quilt guild recently, The Heartland Quilters Guild, and immediately discovered that they have a really fun tradition.

Whenever a guild member travels somewhere and has the opportunity to get to a quilt shop, they remember their "sisters" back home. The member buys fabric that reminds them of the trip and then shares a 6" square with each member at the next guild meeting.

I've only attended 3 meetings so far, but have already collected 10 unique squares. And I've decided to make a scrappy quilt using them. Stars seemed to be a perfect way to use the square without cutting into it.  And maybe I'll mix in some square-in-a-square blocks as well. A scrappy white background will tie them all together and I can just make them as I get them.  These blocks are turning out to be just over 11" square, so it won't take too many to make a quilt.

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