
Monday, November 19, 2012

Half Square Triangles

8 times 12 - that is how many little triangle sets I have saved when trimming flying geese units from a recent quilt.  That quilt had 12 star blocks and each star had 8 star points.  And I hate throwing away scraps that could have a purpose.

So these have become my leaders and enders as I've been working on other projects the past couple of weeks.  Stitch, press open, square up to 2.5", and they are ready to become . . . something. 

I think this will make a lovely center section for a wall hanging or maybe it will be a doll quilt.  Right now this section is just hanging on my design wall where I can look at it and try to visualize what it will be when it grows up. 


  1. I like to keep my waste triangles too... I'm thinking mug rugs for them eventually. Using them for leader/enders is a brilliant idea!

  2. I can't throw away scraps either. Fabric is sometimes hard to come by for me, and I save everything. Love this block.


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