
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Scrappy Trip Around the World

 I recently saw a tutorial online for a Scrappy Trip Around the World quilt. It uses 2.5" strips and I had the perfect jelly roll of batiks sitting in my stash.

So this Island Batiks jelly roll (in Ocean Mist colors) is becoming a quilt finally.  I know I shouldn't start a new project, but I did finish 2 UFO's and a new baby quilt top over the last month so this is my reward.

And on another topic - blogspot was giving me fits this morning when I tried to upload photos. So I had to try again over my lunch break and it finally worked.  Just a little technology glitch!

1 comment:

  1. I've been waiting to see one of these in batiks! Beautiful... perfect colors I think. I am resisting still but enjoying the watch party.


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