
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Is spring here to stay?

I may have to bring these plants into the garage overnight this weekend, as they are predicting frost again.  But I'm trying to be an optimist.  People who know me well will laugh about me even having plants, because I have a brown thumb.

But I promise to try (harder) to keep these going this summer.  One container tomato plant and one planter.  It doesn't seem like it should be that difficult. 

Good thing we got an inch of rain yesterday since I wasn't home to water them myself.  It is probably my talent for neglect that usually kills my plants.

1 comment:

  1. I'm being optimistic about Spring, too, as I purchased pots of geraniums for my front porch. I'll move them into the garage if the temps start to drop toward freezing.


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