
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

July goals mostly met

My July goals were mostly met and I really can't believe it is almost the end of the month.

1. put the label on the Wildflower quilt - no label but the quilt is on my bed
2. finish and hang the red/black sewing wallhanging - DONE
3. make 2 self-binding baby blankets - DONE & GIFTED
4. make 4 more Scrappy Trip Around World blocks - MADE 6
5. bind Hugs 'n Kisses quilt - DONE
6. quilt & bind Poppy table runner - still in progress
7. finish all Year to Crow About blocks - DONE & half of sashing done

So far I have not set any August goals, but I'm trying to figure out what I want to finish the most.  My sewing time will be limited in the next couple of weeks because I'll be putting in some long days for work.  I know I want to finish putting together the Year to Crow About top, but just can't decide what UFO to tackle next.

And I have one other road block to sewing - a wrist brace on my left hand. I have a bit of inflammation going on and so I'm trying to rest that hand a little. Cutting hurts the most, closely followed by hand sewing.  But it is feeling better already so I'm optimistic that this will be very temporary.


  1. Rest that wrist so you don't push the inflammation into a serious injury.

    Good job checking projects off of your "To Do" list.

  2. A good month for you... I hope your wrist is back to normal soon!


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