
Saturday, July 13, 2013

Saturday progress

My Saturday has been a completely "self-centered" day so far.  I went to Saturday Sampler this morning, came home and put together the units for the summer mystery quilt.  So, those are ready to go for next month already. Then I sewed this self-binding baby blanket for a co-worker's new baby and  it can go into the mail to her on Monday.

After lunch I went back to The Pin Cushion for the Wash Tub Club group that meets monthly.  It is all about vintage things, and 1930s repro fabrics.  It's a fun group of ladies and I always enjoy going.  This month's demo block was the Snail's Trail, and I have always wanted to make something with that block.  HMMM - do I dare start anything new?

Now that I'm home again I guess I need to do a little laundry and clean up my kitchen again - before I go back to my sewing room.  I've been very selfish today and it felt good, especially since I know that my work schedule is about to get crazy again starting on Monday.


  1. Really cute - I love that fabric!

  2. I love having "me" days. You just need to do that sometimes! The baby blanket looks cute.

  3. another thing on my list to do love the owls!

  4. That looks great! I've always wanted to do one, but haven't found a pattern. I saw a kit in the quilt shop this weekend, but didn't like the pattern. They had embroidered the baby's name on it which was really cute.


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