
Friday, August 9, 2013

Another surprise find

In that last drawer that I cleaned out - in the very bottom - were 3 of these blocks along with a bag with all the pieces cut for more blocks. I had totally forgotten about this project. Another thing to add to my UFO list. Maybe this will make a good charity quilt when it's done.


  1. i applaud you on making charity quilts!! i have quilted for over forty years and all my quilts are hand pieced and hand quilted. i have made over two hundred and donated them all. but when i was working, i was smart enoug and did not have the foresight to buy a sewing machine or build a fabric stash and now i am out of fabric. with an income of less than four hundred dollars monthly for disability buying fabric is not an option. i love these blocks they are beautiful. you do wonderful work. blessings, barbara

  2. That is such an interesting layout of flying geese. Good find!


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