
Monday, September 30, 2013

Goals, goals, goals

I only set 2 goals for the month of September (both UFOs) and I have done very well indeed.

#1 = get to the flimsy stage with my Dr Seuss baby quilt (an old UFO) - It is DONE! I not only got the top put together, but I quilted it myself, and it is bound and ready to gift to a new mom in October.

#2 = bind a UFO (I have at least 4 ready to bind) - I'm 3/4 of the way finished with the black/white/bright version of Color Me Happy.  I should finish that last side tonight. 

In addition to those UFO goals I have actually gotten quite a few other things done.
  • I completed the final row on the Heartland Guild Row Robin project. We got our own quilts back at the September meeting, so now I need to figure out how I want to finish it.
  • I finished the top for the Summer Mystery Quilt. But now I'm working on adding a pieced border to it, which was an option in the design. I liked the small version, but decided I liked that larger version.
  • I took a set of cream/white blocks made for a VERY old Saturday Sampler and set them together to make a background for a wall hanging. Then I appliqued flowers and vines on it.
  • And I worked on the blocks for another UFO that is VERY, VERY old (flying geese pinwheels)
So that brings me to setting some lofty goals for October.  I really want to keep my focus on working on those UFOs along with starting a couple of new projects. Some of these goals won't take very long to do, and others are a bit more ambitious.  

In October, I pledge to:
  • Begin the new Fall Mystery Quilt at The Pin Cushion
  • Thanksgiving 60 degree table runner
  • finish the border on the Summer Mystery Quilt
  • 3 more flying geese pinwheel blocks (I have 6 now)
  • applique a dragon fly onto the cream/white wall hanging and decide how to quilt it
  • bind pink/brown Saturday Sampler UFO 


  1. Congrats on accomplishing your goals and then some.

  2. You have had a great month! So many 'extras' done to celebrate! Congrats on all the UFO progress!

  3. Sounds like you've got some great goals! Good luck with all of them. I love seeing how much we can accomplish beyond our goals.


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