
Sunday, October 13, 2013

A quilt-free road trip

This weekend is a long anticipated road trip with 2 friends to Minneapolis to see the play Wicked at the Orpheum Theatre. Can't wait - the play begins in 2 hours.  Earlier in the day we did some power shopping downtown and then had a late lunch at Key's Bar and Grill.  What a terrific way to spend a Sunday.  But it is a QUILT-FREE day as these friends are not quilters. So no fabric shopping.

Here we are at the Mary Tyler Moore statue on Nicolette Avenue - the location of that famous scene at the beginning of the show where she tosses her hat in the air.


  1. Sounds like fun! Iv'e heard that the Wicked is good. Got my blog updated with my new email so can reply to you when you comment now!!

  2. What fun... I am going a week from Friday and can't wait! Love Wicked!!


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