
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Shorn like a sheep

Our 20 pound tuxedo cat, Sammy, was getting a lot of matted areas of fur that he just couldn't seem to reach anymore for grooming.  We try to brush him everyday because he is such a long-haired cat. I've even cut out chunks of matting, but it seemed to be getting worse. So my husband finally got frustrated and took him to the vet for professional grooming.

Not sure we can call it grooming when they shave him practically down to the skin - all over.  He is now kind of grey and looks quite naked.  He also wears a look of total humiliation all of the time. Poor thing - I hope it grows back as pretty as it was before - but without the knots.


  1. He he. We shaved our Pyrenese a couple times and she acted like she was humiliated as well.

  2. Our farm dog was really embarrassed when he was shaved, but once he realized he was cooler and not matted, he loved his hair cut.

  3. Pour Sammy! And Winter is coming!!

  4. Oh my! Please let us know how it grows in.

  5. Aren't they funny looking for the first few weeks? We've gotten used toour border collie clipped short and she seems to like it.


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