
Friday, November 15, 2013

Flying Geese Pinwheels . . . it's a flimsy!

I am so happy that I've finally gotten this top done.  This is an old, old UFO that had been hidden in the bottom of a drawer in my sewing room.  There were 4 blocks done and the others were cut out and ready to piece.  And I had bought enough fabric to make this huge.  So the top is now done and measures about 66" square, which is much smaller than the original plan.  The binding is made out of leftover blue, and I still had enough yellow to make a backing. I'm thinking about donating it all (unquilted) to a good cause.  Any good ideas of where it can go?

And I had lots of supervisory help from my assistant the past couple of evenings.


  1. It's lovely and would make a great QOV.

  2. So pretty... love that inner blue border that sets off the pieced blocks so well. Wish I could recommend a home!


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