
Monday, November 11, 2013

Mama Kass

This is Mama Kass, and she is the small quilt I bid on - and won - in a silent auction yesterday. The Sioux Falls Quilter's Guild had their annual quilt show this weekend and I attended with a couple of friends. I love silent auctions and when I saw this little quilt made by a talented SFQG member, I just knew I had to bid on it.  The label on the back told me the name of the quilt is Mama Kass. Isn't the quilting beautiful, along with the applique? I just love it.


  1. Oh my, that is a beauty! It makes me smile.

  2. Very nice! Somehow I missed the silent auction pieces. Did you go to the Pat Speth luncheon?

  3. That is so cute the quilt and the name!!!


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