
Friday, November 8, 2013

UFO on the design wall

This might just be my oldest UFO - by several years.  I found it this summer, buried in a drawer and finished the last of the blocks this week. So now it's on my design wall and getting sashing and 9 patch cornerstones.   Right now the plan is to make this using 9 blocks, but I do have plenty of the fabrics so I could make it bigger.  We'll see . . . right now I'm just thinking it needs to be finished up.


  1. I agree: get it finished and move on. Nine blocks with borders would work great.

  2. I really like the color combination:) I have ufos as old as my youngest son and he will be 34 in Feb! I know it's that old because I was making it for him when he was a baby. oh well

  3. I'm all for finishing up old UFO's and moving on. Done is better than finishing up the fabric. I hate to peter out on projects when I get bored, once I get the motivation to finish something I want it done and gone.


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