
Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas decor

I must admit that I love the seasonal things that help make my house bright and cheery.  A Jim Shore angel on my mantle was a new addition this year. She may stay out after the other Christmas decorations get put away.

And this little Christmas quilt is covering my coffee table even though it is a little too big.  


  1. Both are very pretty! I keep a few Christmas items out all year, they make me smile!

  2. Love your Christmas decorations. I plan to keep mine up until next weekend and then change everything to snowflakes.

  3. Your angel is beautiful. I keep Christmas items out until the middle of January and some items into February.

  4. Great minds think alike....I just got bought a new Jim shore angle this year too!!! I'll have to post a picture of her. Love all your stockings hung on the fireplace in your next post too.
    Happy New Year!!


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