
Monday, January 27, 2014

An AHA moment

I was refolding and putting away some fabrics on Sunday evening and came upon this pretty pink and green floral. As I was folding it up I happened to look up at my design wall - and had a sudden AHA!!  There was my paper pieced Circle of Geese block (only one) and the pinks were perfect together.

My plan a couple of weeks ago had been to use it to make a doll quilt. But after adding this floral border I think it is destined to be a spring table topper for my kitchen.  I'm in love with the colors!  The Circle of Geese are made from scraps from granddaughter Olivia's baby quilt.  


  1. I want that circle of geese pattern. Where did you get it?

  2. That fabric is perfect for the border. I love it xx

  3. I love pink and that little quilt made my day alittle warmer too!!!

  4. It's gorgeous! I love how these aha moments turn out to be such winners.

  5. It is wonderful and will make a great table topper!


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