
Friday, February 19, 2016

Valentine charm squares

Last Saturday at our Sew Vintage group we exchanged Valentine charm squares. Nice selection isn't it? Plus there is one very vintage-styled 10" square from one generous gal. Now I need to figure out what these want to become.  Any ideas from my readers? I would love some suggestions.


  1. Wish I could help you but I'm drawing a blank. I'll be watching to see what you make.

  2. Oh fun! I'm thinking table topper. ;-) Maybe use the vintage one in the center?

  3. The fabrics are sure cute! I hope you can find the perfect pattern.

  4. I see a twister heart being made out of it, unless you don't have enough. I also see a table runner from I think it's the Atkinson book Let's do lunch, that uses charm squares on point.


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