
Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Blocks, blocks and more blocks

April has turned out to be the month of "blocks".  I got to thinking about this last night and decided to try and figure out just how many individual blocks I've made this past month.  And I came up with about 104 individual blocks made this month - so far. That is just crazy! And I can't even count any of that yardage as "used" yet in my stash reports. 

I know that I've made 8 Farm Girl Vintage blocks this month. Half of those were 12" blocks and the other half were the 6" mini version of those same blocks.  This one is Kitchen Window.  And I'm planning to get the Baking Day block done this week if possible.

I've made 7 Crown of Thorns blocks and these are 15" blocks. This grey one was made with leftovers from the yellow/white/grey baby chevron quilt I finish this week.  I still have to sew the green one that is cut and waiting on my sewing table. I'm making these blocks as part of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge 2016 (RSC16) and also our guild scrap challenge. Each month I'll plan to at least add the RSC16 color block, and maybe the guild color too if it's different.

I made 2 Saturday Sampler blocks early in April - one with the sampler fabrics and one bonus block using my stash fabrics. These are 12" blocks. I almost don't want to give this one away, but I'll try to be optimistic that maybe I will win all of those bonus blocks. 

And I've made LOTS of tiny (3") blocks for the Temecula Circa 2016 online project.  In fact, I've made 62 of the Circa 2016 blocks so far, not counting the 2" HST extras. I can add another 25 to the total with those teeny tiny HSTs.  And I still have to make this past Friday's 2 new blocks. 

I feel really good about the amount of sewing I accomplished in April. All of these blocks will go together eventually and become something pretty. These 4 projects (Saturday Sampler, Farm Girl Vintage, Circa 2016) will be my focus again in May I think. The best thing about working on individual blocks is that they are perfect for those times when I only have an hour to sew. I can finish something in that hour when my goal is just individual blocks. 


  1. Great job on completing so many blocks this month. You and your machine are working overtime - just think what you can accomplish when you retire.

  2. Wow! You're getting an awful lot of blocks done. I've done bags this month, or so my report shows. I hope to get my baking day block done tonight as it is all cut out.

  3. You have really been busy this month Sara and I really like seeing both sizes of the blocks!


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