
Saturday, April 16, 2016

Temecula Circa 2016

I've been watching a beautiful online small block project from Temecula Quilt Company called Circa 2016 for quite a few weeks. I knew I wanted to make this and even set aside some of my Civil War types of fabrics for it. So far there have been 13 different blocks and they are all printed and in my project binder.

Every Friday they post a new block - and they are typically 3" or smaller. Yesterday after work I decided that I couldn't resist and started the first 2 weeks' blocks.  And early this morning I began to put this little beauty together.

There are 4 pinwheels and 12 of the 9-patch blocks set on point with the background.  This is the beginning of the center medallion of the finished quilt and it is only 14" square right now.  Those 9-patches used 1.25" squares!. The next border will be 28 hourglass blocks. 

That may have to wait until another day however, because I need to jump in the shower and get ready to go to a charity salad luncheon with a group of ladies from my former home town. I don't see them all very often so it should be fun. 


  1. I've been saving the patterns, too, but haven't made any of them. I love how yours look. Keep up the good work.

  2. I've been so tempted by their blocks, too. Your mini quilt is adorable! I love the pinwheels in the middle. Great fabrics, too!


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