
Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Weekend fun

We promised grandson #1 a new bike for his 5th birthday, which is in 3 weeks. He has had a strider bike (no pedals) since he was 3 and so do his little brother and sister.  But it was beyond time for a "real" bike and this was a good time to take him shopping.

Sunday we had lunch with the family and then grandpa and I took him shopping for his bike. His face just lit up with smiles as soon as he saw the bike display at Walmart. After trying out a couple of bikes he picked out the Spiderman version. And he rode it down the aisle, through the checkout lane, and out of Walmart with the training wheels on.

Once he was home he made one trip up and down the sidewalk with the training wheels while dad got out the tools. Then the training wheels came off.  15 minutes later he was riding all by himself and about an hour later he was even pushing off to start with no help at all. Mom finally had to make him come in for a break and to have supper.  The strider bikes help them learn balance and steering, so it was an easy transition. I'm a believer now that I've seen it happen.

This was a perfect kind of grandparent time with a kid - watching him smile and laugh while learning to ride a bike. So glad we could be part of the experience.

1 comment:

  1. His smile says a million dollars worth of happiness! Thanks for sharing the fun.


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