
Friday, June 24, 2016

Heartland Guild Quilt Show

One day down and one more to go - of our guild's quilt show.  

Lot's of hard work goes into a show, even a small one.  We partnered this year with the local garden club and they provided some gorgeous flowers for our show.  The large quilt in this picture is my Rainbow Scrap Challenge sampler from 2015. It looks good hanging up.

Our "Featured Quilter" is a very talented lady. Karen brought us some amazing quilts (large and small) for the show.

The coffee cup quilt is the latest President's quilt to be finished. Each year the retiring president is gifted with blocks from guild members based on a theme determined by a new officer. This one with the coffee cups is just adorable. Love her layout merging 4 of the cup blocks together into larger blocks. So cute!

We also have a great assortment of small items being shown.


  1. I love to wander through quilt shows and finding ideas and inspiration, so I'm happy you posted these photos. Your Rainbow Scrap Challenge quilt looks fabulous hanging in the show!

  2. Thank you for the armchair visit to the quilt show and yours looks terrific!


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