
Thursday, June 2, 2016

Sewing on my new machine

This morning I traded my "dead" sewing machine for a brand new one.  It is very similar to the one I was using so not much of a learning curve to begin with. And the bonus was that my embroidery unit works on the new one too so that saved me a few dollars. And after taking a class yesterday at The Pin Cushion, I'm feeling like I can put that unit on a play with some new skills.

Once I got it home I had to make a few blocks, so I chose the Pears block for our Farm Girl Vintage blocks for this month in Sew Vintage. And I made a new RSC16 block in the June color of aqua.  It sure feels good to be sewing again on a really good machine instead of my old back-up machine.

That's probably the end of my sewing for a couple of days as we'll have 3 of the grandkids tomorrow and then have a birthday party for 2 of the grandkids on Saturday. And I have a guild meeting on Saturday.  Busy summer so far!


  1. Congratulations on the new machine AND the luck that the embroidery accessories work on it, too. Looking forward to seeing you first projects, using it.

    I found lessons helpful when I got my machine several years ago. So many do dads to learn how to use.

  2. Congrats on the new machine and enjoy the grandkids this weekend!!

  3. Congrats on your new machine. I'm sure you'll love it, especially since the embroidery unit works with it. Have fun with all the grands, they grow up way too quickly.

  4. congrats on the new machine. your blocks look great


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