
Monday, August 8, 2016

Design Wall Monday - Allietare

On my design wall this week is Allietare - the latest Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt. This was started about December 1, 2015 and I'm still chugging along. But I'm getting closer to having a finished top.

I have 8 of the red/yellow/black blocks left to make, 1 of the red/green/black blocks, and several setting triangle sections left to do. The blocks set on point and the top goes together in diagonal rows. I just have to add about 3 rows to finish the pieced sections. Then I can decide what size borders I want to use and what color. 

This has been easy to set aside because I haven't liked it very well. I switched out the green for her original grey, which makes it look like of Christmas-y.  It's OK, but not one of my favorites. I've sure seen some beautiful ones shared online however, but using her original color schemes and some other totally unique color schemes.  And there are a BAZILLION small pieces in this huge quilt. Some just made a smaller version.  Lesson learned.

Check out the other Monday Design Walls at


  1. This is one of the reasons I haven't done her mystery quilts. Too many small pieces and not enough time to sew during that time period. I just have too many projects I have deadlines for, so not enjoyable. I do however love to watch others projects come together.

  2. I agree with Moneik - too many pieces! My sister make Bonnie's Grand Illusion quilt in the original colors, and it was gorgeous.


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