
Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Still playing catch-up

After a morning round of golf and lunch with 2 former coworkers, I actually worked at my new job for a couple of hours. And then I headed for my sewing machine.  I made a new Circa 2016 block (gold and red pinwheel) and threw away the wonky one.  Then I made the 3 hourglass blocks for the same quilt. There are 4 more block patterns that I haven't made and a new one will come out on Friday. 

And I made a light purple Crown of Thorns block (16") for my RSC16 challenge. I still need a light pink one and then I'll be caught up with these.

Last but not least I cut and pinned another pillowcase from the stash. Hope to get that sewn tomorrow after work.

And now I'm headed over to the local hospital to meet the newest addition to the extended family. My niece just had a new baby boy and I just have to go and snuggle that baby.


  1. A new great nephew - how exciting is that! Best wishes to your niece and her husband: is the newborn their first child?

    The gold and red pinwheel is pretty.

  2. I am behind on my blocks again, but have a really good excuse~ I was welcoming a new grandson! ;) Your blocks all look great!

  3. Congratulations on the new addition to the family! My nephew just had his first child two days ago so I am a great aunt for the first time. I feel a little young for it, but my brother and I are almost 10 years apart in age. So I guess I'm not.

    Love the lavender color in your Crown of Thorns block. Really beautiful.


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