
Sunday, September 4, 2016

A big finish

A finish always gives me a rush, but this one is extra special. 

Allietare is Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt from last winter and my first attempt at one of her mystery quilts. They all have a TON of little pieces because her designs really focus on being scrappy.  I started this one back on Black Friday (2015) right after Thanksgiving and stayed caught up for a couple of weeks. But eventually I fell behind and I was very worried that it would become a UFO.

I haven't admitted this until now, but I kept the project box on the floor right next to my cutting table with blocks "in progress" laying on top. That way I had to look at it every single time I walked into my sewing room. And I kept plugging away at it.  The last stitch of the binding and the label went on today. So after 8 and a half months, it is finished. And after not liking it for much of that time, I've come to love the way it looks.


  1. Isnt that always how it happens? The quilts that take the longest with the most pieces always end up being amazing! Yours is beautiful, I still need to get mine done, wish me luck!

  2. Congrats! on your finish! Your quilt is your color choices.

  3. Fabulous finish! I'm thrilled that you've come to love it.

    Bonnie's mystery quilts are always gorgeous, but I know I'd lose interest and it would never be finished. I need to adopt your idea of the box next to the cutting table to taunt me into getting stalled projects completed.

  4. I love the look of a lot of Bonnie's quilts but her pieces are so tiny! Your colors look great and congrats on keeping at it until it was done. She's writing the next mystery now, I heard.

  5. Congrats on the beautiful finish! I love the green you added to the palette, it adds a fresh feel to the other colors.

  6. You should love that quilt--it's beautiful. Your colors look like Italian tile. Maybe I should move Celtic Solstice by my cutting table so I see it everyday. I'm stalled on the borders and it was before Alletaire. Congrats on the finish!

  7. Congrats on a wonderful finish!! It's beautiful!!

  8. Congrats on sticking with it! It's a huge quilt with lots of pieces and I know how hard it was for you to keep going on it. It's a beautiful quilt!

  9. Congrats on the finish! I'm still in the collecting fabrics to use for this quilt stage ;) Every finish of this pattern I see inspires me so I guess I still want to make one. Thanks for linking up this week.

  10. Congrats on the beautiful finish! Mine will get there someday.


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