
Monday, October 17, 2016

Design Wall Monday - Layout options

I'm torn between setting the Crown of Thorns blocks on-point or straight, but right now I'm leaning toward the on-point layout.  Or I could split the blocks and make 2 baby quilts on-point.

No matter which layout I choose, I'll need a few more blocks.  These blocks are my RSC16 (rainbow scrap challenge) project this year. Orange and yellow are the colors for this month and each month has had a main color and an accent. I think I'm all caught up, but I definitely need a few more blocks for size and layout purposes.

Check out what others are doing at


  1. I like the on point setting, Would you put sashing between the blocks? Love the colors together. Blessings. J Barham, Ozark Mountains in AR.

  2. I like setting the blocks on points--beautiful colors

  3. I agree......On Point! Your blocks are beautiful!

  4. These are gorgeous blocks, I think I like the on point layout best. Nice work!

  5. Those look great, nice progress on your RSC quilt.

  6. Great blocks! On point looks the best to me!

  7. Very pretty! I was going to say on point, but it seems the general consensus so I'll say straight also looks nice. Great rainbow scrap project!

  8. I like both - but I think the On point makes it just sparkle! Great blocks !!!

  9. I would lean toward the on-point setting to. It gives the blocks an extra something (that I can't put my finger on). Your colors are beautiful. I think this will be a restful quilt.


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