
Monday, October 10, 2016

Traveling Stars is finished

I keep forgetting to post a photo of the Traveling Stars quilt since I've finished it. This photo is not the best, but the wind is blowing and it kept shifting on the grass.
Our guild has a tradition called a traveling square - a 6" square of fabric shared with each member when you get a chance to shop for fabric while traveling.  There are squares in this quilt from lots of different states, plus Israel, South Africa, and Taiwan.  I used my 6" squares from the past few years to make star blocks. This is a bright, happy quilt and it's going onto the bed in our basement guest bedroom because that room definitely needs some color.

I have over a dozen squares left to start a new quilt. I haven't decided for sure yet how I plan to use them in the next project but figuring that out will be half the fun.


  1. How many are in your guild? Ours has over 200 members and at one time over 400. Eastern Ia. Heirloom Quilters. Have been a member since 9-99 when I had to quit work to care for my husband who had Alzheimers. It was one of my stress busters and they allowed me to bring him to the meetings without paying a membership. We have an am meeting and a pm meeting each month except Oct. Annual mtg. and potluck at night and Dec. not meeting.

  2. I love this quilt and the travel squares guild members share. Well done!

  3. I love your quilt and the idea of traveling stars!


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