
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

A surprise from Down Under

I have to show off the fun surprise I just received from Australia . . .
My girls have a cousin who moved to Australia just before high school. She and my oldest were best friends and have stayed in close contact these 20 years. I've always felt like she was one of my own girls.  My daughter has gone to Australia to visit twice and the cousin comes here to see her dad and brother about every 18 months. They've been in each other's weddings, and now can share the experience of having children.
I've made 2 quilts for her kiddos - the first one 3 years ago when her son was born and the second one this spring when her daughter was born. Luckily both times I was able to send the quilt with her dad when he went to visit so they didn't have to be mailed. And this time she sent a "thank you" gift back with him for me.
The package contained these 2 gorgeous fabric cuts (about 1 meter each), a small wooden cutting board, and a kitchen towel - along with a very lovely thank you note.  The botanical print is a plant I sure don't recognize, but it's very pretty. And the child's print has koalas, lambs, kangaroos, possums, and a couple of animals I'm not sure of.
It will be fun deciding how to use these fabrics. 

1 comment:

  1. What a nice thank you gift. The critters fab is is adorable - looks like there's a hedgehog on there, too.


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