
Saturday, November 26, 2016

Thanksgiving break from sewing

We have a house full this weekend for a late Thanksgiving celebration: 5 kids under the age of 6, 3 dogs, and 7 adults.  After a mid-afternoon dinner of turkey and all the fixings we all went outside for a photo opportunity using grandpa's drone.
I'm thankful that my daughter's families are all here and that my SIL could join us too. And I'm very thankful for 2 sons-in-law who like to cook and helped out a LOT in the kitchen. Jamie made the best dressing and gravy, Darin carved the turkey, and I even had lots of help cleaning up.
Only one mishap with a dog helping himself to some leftover mashed potatoes.
Monday our house will be empty again and we'll get back to our normal boring routines.

1 comment:

  1. An amazing photo - too bad your husband didn't look up for the shot, but I see he's busy handling the drone. You have a great-looking family, and I'm happy you were able to gather for a late Thanksgiving.


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