
Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Almost vintage nativity set

The last time this nativity scene was set up was Christmas 2005, right before we moved to this house.  So the past 11 years it has been carefully wrapped in newspaper in a box on a high storage shelf in my basement.  Every year I would look at that box on the top shelf and decide it was too much trouble to get it down. But this year I moved some things and climbed up.  I'll so glad I went to the trouble.
Unwrapping each piece brought back some wonderful memories.  This nativity was made by Nellie, a dear family friend from my childhood who was like a favorite aunt, and gifted to my husband and I the first Christmas we were married.  She made each piece in a pottery class and her husband made the simple wooden stable. 

I must admit that I had forgotten just how many pieces there were in this set, and just how large some of the pieces are.  Some of the faces are a bit scary too.  But I love it.  And this year when I put it away it's going in a new box, with bubble wrap, and going in with the other Christmas decorations where I can reach it easily for next year. 


  1. Oh it's beautiful, Sara! How nice that it brings back such wonderful memories for you. Merry Christmas!

  2. The crèche display looks wonderful on that table: I especially like how the angel is suspended above the manger.

    The Nativity set my niece made for me in the late 70s hasn't been displayed for several years. I really should find it in the Christmas boxes in the garage.

  3. It's beautiful and vintage is becoming one of mt favorite words

  4. My mom and grandma each have the same set - painted differently of course, but the figurines are the same :)


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