
Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Christmas stockings

This is the first of 4 new Christmas stockings I'm working on for one of my daughters.
She has a quilted Christmas stocking I made for her as a baby with her name cross-stitched on the cuff.  And she decided last week that she would really like for me to make her husband and 3 kiddos stockings too.  And to make sure I put a label on them to say "Made by Grandma Fridley".
She didn't really indicate a desire to have them for THIS year, but I'm trying to do that since I have lots of Christmas fabrics in the stash.  I did stop at my LQS this morning for some muslin to use as lining for them. 
I think this one will be for my son-in-law. It's all made from leftovers from a frosty winter quilt I made several years ago. I don't have his name on the cuff yet or the lining made so the cuff is just laying on top. But I think it will work.  I've pieced 2 others from other fabrics and quilted 1 of them. So I still have 1 more to start.  The kid ones will all be different patterns. One has pinwheels and the other has chevrons. I'm thinking the last one may be star blocks or maybe a Dresden plate block.
And I already know that embroidering their names on the cuffs will be the most time consuming thing because I'm still afraid of my embroidery machine.  Maybe I'll just applique an initial on them. 


  1. Oh I love it! Do not be afraid of your embroidery machine!! Just hoop up some stabilizer, put a practice piece of muslin in and give it a try~ once you do the first one, the rest will be easy-peasy. ;-)

  2. Love this frosty stocking! If there's no deadline, give the embroidery machine a try for the names.

  3. Love your stocking. I don't have an embroidery machine, but I know you can conquer it. An embroidered name would put these over the top.


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