
Sunday, December 18, 2016

Frustration has won

I spent a LOT of time on Saturday afternoon trying to embroider my grandchildren's names on their stocking cuffs. 
First up I cleaned out the bobbin casing area of my machine and put in a brand new embroidery needle with the exact specs my machine's guidebook suggested.  I bought embroidery thread and bobbin thread.  I worked on a practice piece first. The practice piece had lots of skipped stitches and broken threads. But I finally managed to get 2 letters "kind of" embroidered. 
But then I hooped up one of the cuff fabrics and things went downhill from there.  My thread broke every dozen or stitches.  I changed needles again, rethreaded everything, re-hooped the fabric and stabilizer.  But the whole process just kept getting worse.  After nearly 3 hours of frustration, I gave up and went to the movies with my husband. 
Today I just worked on piecing a few triangle-in-a-square units for the Bonnie Hunter mystery, mended my granddaughter's pants, mended my daughter's shirt pocket, and finished up the casserole hot pads I started earlier in the week as Christmas gifts. And I grumbled and growled over those stocking that are so close to being done - but yet are not. 


  1. It is like that sometimes, the things we want to do just don't go the way we hope, I bet they are wonderful stockings regardless, maybe use them as they are this year and then embroider them after the holidays??? Love your purple squares for the Mystery, so fun. still way behind but that is all right too. Merry Christmas from Iowa where it is 1 degree right now!!

  2. Maybe you can finish the stockings without names and place a pretty gift tag on them, you know, the sticky kind?

  3. Aargh! That would be frustrating and disappointing, too. Is the dealer close so you can get some help?

  4. Hopefully you can call or go down to the Pin Cushion and they can help you through one. There is probably some simple answer, but it sure does get frustrating. Don't give up quite yet. ;)


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