
Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Needing some handwork

Monday was a day off and I spent quite a bit of time sewing in the afternoon. First off was prepping some handwork to keep me busy. Both of these table runners are ready for hand stitching the binding down.  (Bad picture due to the evening light when I took this photo.)  I'll need a bit of handwork the next couple of days while my husband has neck surgery tomorrow morning.  He will stay at least 1 night in the hospital and maybe 2 or 3 depending on how things are going.  Our oldest daughter lives about 6 blocks from the hospital so I'll be staying with them.  
Yesterday I also made a self-binding baby blanket for a baby shower this coming weekend. I love making these as they are so fast and easy, plus they are such practical baby gifts.
And I worked on the Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt clues.  I finished pressing the last of the Clue 1 blocks, and sewed the remaining few Clue 2 blocks.  Clues 3-5 are partially complete, with all of the pieces cut and about a quarter of the blocks sewn. I'm really not too concerned about "falling behind" since there isn't any kind of deadline.


  1. Prayers for your husbands surgery. Glad to see you got a few things prepared to keep you busy. I just finished clue 5 this morning, only because the kids were up 2 hours early. I have the same frame of mind with the mystery, do what I can, even a little bit and follow along. Surprisingly I have kept up, but I had no quilts to finish for Christmas. Almost everything was done early.

  2. Binding is a perfect waiting room distraction. I'm glad your daughter will be there with you, as it's good to have family close. Sending prayers and healing thoughts your way.


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