
Sunday, January 29, 2017

All Dressed Up is ready to quilt

This mini is sandwiched and ready to quilt - if only I knew how I wanted to quilt it. It's only about 22" square. I have no idea whether to do some simple machine quilting or do some hand quilting on this. Or what kind of quilting design to use. Any ideas for me?


  1. No ideas on the quilting, but I love how this looks.

  2. How about zig zags? Big & small alternating . .

  3. If I were handquilting this I'd outline the spools :)

  4. Ohhhh, so pretty! I'm pretty much a "checkbook quilter", so my ideas are nil. I do like Deb's idea of outlining those spools you worked so hard on...... :)


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