
Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Farm Girl Vintage

This is Grandma's Quilt Block from the Farm Girl Vintage book.  It's really interesting how different a block can look from the original just by placing colors in different ways.  Because of the similar tone of the blue and the green, that makes the pointed X kind of stand out. That wasn't intentional, but I'm OK with the look.

We were expecting a huge snowstorm to hit during the night, but it didn't start snowing here until about 3:00 this afternoon. Can't say that I'm disappointed however because I wasn't looking forward to shoveling. Guess we'll see if we still get the 6-10" predicted or if most of it will miss us. 


  1. Each new block becomes my new favorite!

    I shoveled 9" off the driveway and walk this morning, and it took me forever to get it done. Still snowing, so no doubt, another two inches or more may be on the ground by morning.

  2. Hope we miss most the snow. Just checked (2am) not showing. Hope the snow is wet enough it won't blow if the wind comes up. Probably 6-8"of snow.

  3. Oh, that is so pretty! I haven't made any more after I did the first six... it's too hot to sew over here :-(


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