
Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Frosty Stars - first finish of 2017

Not a lot of bragging earned with this finish since it's only 16" x 32", and the only thing remaining was hand stitching the binding. But it's done and that's what counts, right?
Star blocks of all kinds are one of my very favorite blocks, and these stars have definitely become a new favorite. I really like those extra little points that make it look like a star burst.
I am playing with the pattern a bit to see if I can easily make it using a 5" charm in the center. I think my Tri-Recs ruler will easily make that center edge section, with a couple of corners added. The corner units are just plain squares with a corner added. So it should be easy enough to do and end up being a 15" block.  This may be an option for my RSC17 blocks this year.  Check out the RSC17 post at SoScrappy.


  1. This is so pretty. I love the fabrics you choose and how they blend together in such a calming way. It always feels great to say, "Finished" to a project, doesn't it?
    Happy New Year!
    Your blogging sister,
    Connie :)

  2. Beautiful table runner! The colors just sparkle and the design is perfect for winter. A finish is a finish in my book.

  3. Those bursts are beautiful with great color selections. A well-done finish!

  4. I love everything about this runner - the crisp colors and the white background. It is perfect for a winter runne. Well done.

  5. I agree - it doesn't matter what size it is, or how long it's been a UFO, it is a wonderful feeling to say it's finished and even better when you share it with others!
    Your 'Frosty Stars' look vibrant, and the high contrast makes me think of 'crispy cold'!
    Well done.


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