
Sunday, January 8, 2017

I had to put at least one block together from the Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt . . . just to see.  And I'm not convinced that I like my choice of brighter yellows. I'm actually glad that I haven't cut any more of the yellow units yet because I need to live with this block for awhile before I decide how to proceed. So my pieces and parts are all pulled together and set aside where they can't get lost.
I've noticed on her Quiltville Open Studio Facebook group that some folks have replaced the yellow squares with yellow and neutral HSTs. And others have replaced them with purple and neutral HST. But most have been posting photos of gorgeous quilts with the yellow as is.  So I just need to let this one rest a bit while I play with some options.


  1. I love the yellow in the design, but my eye does go right to your yellow. Maybe once more blocks are made, the darker purples will tone it down? It's a beautiful block.

  2. Yes, it's always good to "live" with something a bit to see if you like the combo.

  3. I really wanted to do the purple/yellow HST combo, but I'm determined to finish mine the way she did. Next year I might switch it up.


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