
Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Solstice Challenge

Sunday morning sewing involved working on some bags for the class I'm teaching next weekend, and catching up on the first 4 blocks of the Solstice Challenge by Pat Sloan.  One block each Wednesday between Winter Solstice and Summer Solstice.  I think I can manage that.  I picked up a really pretty soft cream batik to use as the background and I'm using my batik stash and batik scraps for the colors. This is a terrible photo, but the blocks are looking good.
Check out the Solstice Challenge on Pat Sloan's website.
Good thing I got to sew on Sunday morning because that was the only time I've spent in my sewing room since.  I picked up some kind of bug, and it laid me low for a couple of days.  Similar symptoms to what my husband had last Thursday. This morning I have decided I may live, and now I need to get caught up on some tasks for work.


  1. Thanks for the link: this is something I might do with some red, white, and blue scraps for a QOV.

    Your blocks look wonderful in batiks.

  2. Such bright and happy blocks. I'm sorry to hear you've been sick but glad you are feeling better.


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